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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Resources | I Want to be a Veterinarian
A career in veterinary medicine takes more than loving animals. But what does it really take? What does a typical day look like in the life of a veterinarian? What sort of education do you need?
Maybe you’ve dreamed about becoming a veterinarian as long as you can remember. Maybe you’ve already been in the workforce and are thinking of changing careers to veterinary medicine. Maybe you have a friend or family member who wants to become a veterinarian, and you want to help them make an educated decision.
Having a dream is easy. Making a choice and figuring out the implications of that choice is a lot harder. The I Want to be a Veterinarian website is designed and staffed by members of the veterinary profession who want to help you understand your goals and figure out if veterinary medicine is really the right career for you.

A companion I Want to be a Veterinarian brochure can be downloaded or ordered (in packs of 25). Colleagues are encouraged to display them in their practice waiting rooms. They are also popular with speakers addressing pre-veterinary students as well as local job fairs.

  • This program is helpful if you are: Thinking about being a veterinarian, a veterinary student, a new veterinary graduate, a veterinarian.
  • You can support this initiative by selecting Help for Veterinary Students on the GIVE page.
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