First place was awarded to Danielle Keerbs (Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine 2026) for the essay titled, Obsolescence vs Adaptability: An Analysis of the Veterinary Clinical Education Paradigm.

Second place was awarded to Morgan Weed (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 2026) for the essay titled, Trend or Tried and True – The Distributive and Teaching Hospital Models in Veterinary Schools.

Third place was awarded to Dionne Rasquinha (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 2025) for the essay titled, The Future of Veterinary Medicine is in Our Teaching Hospitals.

The VIN Foundation’s Solutions for the Profession initiative is an international veterinary student scholarship in which currently enrolled veterinary students write a compelling essay based on an innovative solution to a current topic/issue in the veterinary profession. After three rounds of anonymous judging, the winners receive cash prizes to help with tuition and educational expenses.
The VIN Foundation’s 9th Annual (2025) Solutions for the Profession Competition is now OPEN.
The VIN Foundation’s 9th Annual (2025) Solutions for the Profession Competition opens for submissions on Friday, November 15, 2024.
The VIN Foundation’s 9th Annual (2025) Solutions for the Profession Competition has closed.
Please check back for updates, or sign up above to be notified of updates via email.
The 9th annual (2025) VIN Foundation Solutions for the Profession Competition is open to all students (domestic & international) currently enrolled in veterinary school.
Three entrants will win scholarships to help support tuition and education related expenses:
First place: $5,000
Second place: $3,000
Third place: $1,500
Pet insurance
Entrants must answer the following two questions in their essay:
- Is pet insurance a positive for veterinary practices?
- If so, why and what might be some pitfalls to avoid? If not, what makes you concerned and what changes might make it more of a positive?
1,000 words (not including references or titles)
This is a strict parameter and all essay submissions higher than 1,000 (not including references or titles) will be automatically dismissed.
Entrants must be a currently enrolled veterinary school student. All veterinary schools domestic and international are eligible.
Please note: this program is not available for pre-veterinary students. If you are a pre-veterinary student, please explore the Mike Dunn, DVM Veterinary Student Scholarship.
All essays must be submitted in English.
All essays must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
Judging is based on how well student essay submission describes their assessment of the topic, along with the originality and practicality of the suggestion(s) and/or solution(s) offered.
The judging takes place in three rounds. Each essay is anonymized and read by at least three evaluators in each round. The panel for round one is composed of the VIN Foundation Solutions for the Profession Committee made up of both veterinarians and related professional readers. The second round will be judged by veterinarians with insight into the relevant issues discussed in the essays. The third round will be judged by leaders in the veterinary profession
Open for submissions: Friday, November, 15, 2024
Submissions closed: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 6pm PT
Winners announced: Thursday, May 1, 2025
Essays must be submitted online.
Only one entry per student.
Please check back on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 when the scholarship opens to submit an essay.
- Phone: 888.616.6506
The 7th annual (2023) VIN Foundation Solutions for the Profession Competition was open to all students (domestic & international) currently enrolled in veterinary school.
Three winners earned scholarships to help support tuition and education related expenses (winnings were increased this year thanks to donations!):
First place: $5,000
Second place: $3,000
Third place: $1,500
Veterinary Teaching Hospitals
Until 2010, only a few veterinary schools operated a distributed clinical education model, having students receive their clinical training at other schools or private practices. In the last decade, several new schools have adopted this model, with students having the majority of their clinical education at private practices.
Please answer both of the following questions in your essay submission:
1. Explain why this has been a positive, negative or inconsequential change for the profession?
2. Do you think this trend should be continued or should veterinary schools be required to operate a teaching hospital to train students?
Judging was based on how well student essay submission described their assessment of the topic, along with the originality and practicality of the suggestion(s) and/or solution(s) offered.
The judging takes place in three rounds. Each essay is anonymized and read by at least three evaluators in each round. The panel for round one is composed of the VIN Foundation Solutions for the Profession Committee made up of both veterinarians and related professional readers. The second round is judged by veterinarians with insight into the relevant issues discussed in the essays. The third round is judged by leaders in the veterinary profession
Competition closed: Friday, January 20, 2023 11:59pm PT
Winners announced: Friday, April 21, 2023
- Phone: 888.616.6506
8th Annual Competition (2024):
There are current efforts to expand the use of telemedicine and alter the criteria for establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR).
Entrants must answer the following two questions in their essay:
- What are the pros and cons for veterinarians, clients and patients that will result from these efforts?
- If you were able to dictate the outcome of this issue, what would you propose as the best framework to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks to veterinarians, clients and patients?
- First place was awarded to Febbry Setiawan (University of Pretoria 2025) for the essay titled, Paws and Pixels: The Digital Leap in Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationships.
- Second place was awarded to Jake Kline (VA-MD Regional College of Veterinary Medicine 2024) for the essay titled, Telemedicine, The Future Integration in Veterinary Medicine?
- Third place was awarded to Alaire Comyn (Iowa State University 2027) for the essay titled, Telemedicine: An Opportunity to Educate the Public.
7th Annual Competition (2023):
Veterinary Teaching Hospitals:
Until 2010, only a few veterinary schools operated a distributed clinical education model, having students receive their clinical training at other schools or private practices. In the last decade, several new schools have adopted this model, with students having the majority of their clinical education at private practices.
Entrants were asked to answer both of the following questions in their essay submission:
1. Explain why this has been a positive, negative or inconsequential change for the profession?
2. Do you think this trend should be continued or should veterinary schools be required to operate a teaching hospital to train students?
- First place was awarded to Danielle Keerbs (Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine 2026) for the essay titled, Obsolescence vs Adaptability: An Analysis of the Veterinary Clinical Education Paradigm.
- Second place was awarded to Morgan Weed (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 2026) for the essay titled, Trend or Tried and True – The Distributive and Teaching Hospital Models in Veterinary Schools.
- Third place was awarded to Dionne Rasquinha (UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 2025) for the essay titled, The Future of Veterinary Medicine is in Our Teaching Hospitals.
6th Annual Competition (2022):
Staff shortages:
Many businesses have been experiencing a shortage of workers. Although COVID has exacerbated the situation, veterinary practices have had great difficulty finding both doctors and support staff since well before the pandemic started.
The following 3 question needed to be addressed in the essay submissions:
- What do you believe are the main causes of this staffing shortage in veterinary practices?
- How will this affect you?
- What actions can be taken to improve the situation?
- First place was awarded to Ian Doody (Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine 2022) for the essay titled, Labor Shortages in Veterinary Medicine.
- Second place was awarded to Elyse Politica (University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine 2025) for the essay titled, Extinguishing the Fire Before Burnout Takes Over.
- Third place was awarded to Elizabeth Handberg(University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine 2025) for the essay titled, From the Ground Up: A Focus on Veterinary Technicians.
- Olivier Weber (Utrecht University, faculty of Veterinary Medicine 2025) for the essay titled, Let Students Work Against Veterinary Employee Shortages.
- Katherine Keane(University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine 2023) for the essay titled, The COVID Silver Lining.
5th Annual Competition (2021):
- First place was awarded to Ashley Wang (University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine 2023) for the essay titled, Beyond Checking Off Boxes: Realizing Transformational Change in Diversity Work.
- Second place was awarded to Natalya Redmond (University of Bristol 2024) for the essay titled, Breaking the Cycle.
- Third place was awarded to Hannah Lee (University of Queensland 2021) for the essay titled, Putting the vet in diversity: A proposal for diversifying the veterinary profession.
4th Annual Competition (2020):
- First place was awarded to Ilene Ellis (North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine 2023) for the essay titled, Retiring James Herriot; A proposal for modern veterinary education.
- Second place was awarded to Ava Abuchaei (University of California Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 2021) for the essay titled, From Student to Doctor: Evaluating my Veterinary Education.
- Third place tie was awarded to Allison Hale (Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine 2020) for the essay titled, A Perfect Education.
- Third place tie was awarded to McKenzie Beals Weber (Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine 2021) for the
essay titled, Value and Opportunity: The Perfect Match at Iowa State University.
- Runner up was acknowledged to Imani Williams (Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine 2022) for the essay titled, The Great Divide; Is the veterinary school education you are receiving effective, efficient, and relevant to your career goals?
- Runner up was acknowledged to Amanda Chase (University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine 2021) for the essay titled, Is My Veterinary Education Up to Me?
3rd Annual Competition (2019):
- First place was awarded to Joanne Yi for her big fish little fish perspective on corporations versus the independent practices. Joanne is a second year student at the University of Calgary Veterinary Medicine.
- Second place went to Joseph Marchell for his financial viewpoint on the impact of consolidation on the profession. Joseph is set to graduate this year from Washington State University, College of Veterinary Medicine.
- Annie Showers won third place with her in-depth approach to polling hundreds of practicing veterinarians for their responses on the pros and cons of corporate ownership. Annie is a second year student at Ohio State University, College of Veterinary Medicine.
2nd Annual Competition (2018):
- First place was awarded to Paige Livingston, for her essay on ways to improve student debt education. Paige is entering her fourth year as a student at the University of California at Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine.
- Second place went to Cheyenne Cannarozzo for her innovative suggestion to add resilience to the core competency requirements for veterinary students. Cheyenne is entering her third year at the Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine.
- Linnea Thraen won third place with her essay highlighting the need for improved business management education in veterinary school. Linnea has just graduated the University of Minnesota, School of Veterinary Medicine.
1st Annual Competition (2017):
- First place was awarded to Hanum Wensil-Strow for her thought-provoking essay on the veterinary student debt situation. Hanum is in her fourth year has a student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She is interested in large animal medicine and wildlife conservation.
- Second place went to Shannon Finn for her innovative approach to the mental health issues challenging colleagues in the veterinary profession. Shannon is in her fourth and final year at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Canada. She is hoping to go into rural food animal practice upon graduation, but also has interests in public health and regulatory medicine.
- Alexandra Ripperger won third place for her inventive approach to gender inequality. Alexandra is in her fourth year as a veterinary student at the University of Minnesota. She enjoys working with small animals, and small ruminants/camelids.
Whether or not Entrant is a winner of the competition, Entrant represents that any essay and other materials submitted as part of Entrant’s entry are the original work of Entrant and not copied from any other source and will not constitute defamation or an invasion of privacy or otherwise infringe upon the rights of any third party, and that the Entrant owns or has the rights to convey any and all right and title in such essay. Entries using generative AI (e.g.,ChatGPT) are prohibited. Any entry found to have used generative AI will be automatically excluded. By entering, Entrant grants to VIN Foundation and its affiliates a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty-free license to edit, publish, promote, and republish at any time in the future and otherwise use all or part of Entrant’s submitted essay, along with Entrant’s name, photograph, likeness, statements, biographical information, and any other information provided by Entrant, in any and all media (including print and online), provided such use is consistent with VIN Foundation’s current or future mission and attribution is provided to Entrant, without further permission, notice, or compensation (except where prohibited by law). VIN Foundation is under no obligation to publish any entries, and any publication of an entry does not mean that entrant has won a prize.