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Invest in a healthy veterinary community.

All donations MATCHED thru Dec 31!

New/increased monthly donations are 2X MATCHED!
+ Year End bonus options:


One-time donations 2x matched

Monthly donations 3x matched

VIN Foundation Rumpl Blanket

$500 min one-time donation or
$150 monthly (or monthly increase by $50)

VIN Foundation Yeti Mug

$150 min one-time donation or
$40 monthly (or monthly increase by $15)

Have all the blankets and mugs you need, but still want to give more? Thank you, we’ll put your funds to more use!

Help us expand our programs to help more veterinarians help the animals we love though our Annual Fund. 

VIN Foundation’s Cor Group (named after the Latin term for heart) provides the VIN Foundation with stability and reduced costs through a recurring monthly gift

Give with confidence.

The VIN Foundation has received the Platinum Transparency seal, the highest level rating from nonprofit tracker Candid (formerly Guidestar) annually since 2017. Less than 2% of the nonprofits tracked receive this level of recognition. 

Already a Cor Group member and looking to update your gift? You may update your current monthly gift here

Prefer to pay via check? Please make the check out to VIN Foundation and mail to: 413 F Street, Davis, CA 95616.

I believe in giving to the VIN Foundation because I see a direct correlation between supporting the veterinary community, and the health of the animals we love.

Danyel Dean
Santa Barbara, California

As an avid fly fisherman I believe in giving to the VIN Foundation so they can help the veterinary community, which helps the wellbeing of our animal ecosystems.

Peter Castellanos
Smithers, British Columbia

I give because in my work as a biologist I experience the importance of a healthy veterinary community supporting a healthy animal community.

Scott Engblom
Orofino, Idaho

More ways to give

The VIN Foundation’s community of monthly donors. Cor Group members (named after the Latin term for heart) provide stability and reduced costs with their recurring committment. 

Legacy giving to the VIN Foundation offers donors the opportunity to create a deep and meaningful impact in the veterinary community.

More ways to help


We need your personal support to expand our efforts to connect with those who need our help most. We welcome anyone who would like to volunteer time with the VIN Foundation. Check out our resources to find out which might be the best fit for you and contact us to get involved.

More ways to help

Be an ambassador

Spread the word about the VIN Foundation. Engage in discussions on social media, and share with your networks.

More ways to help

Shop to support

If you shop on Amazon, AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support VIN Foundation every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the same experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the VIN Foundation.
VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Amazon Smile
1. Go and sign in with your Amazon account information
2. Choose VIN Foundation
3. You will be given a couple different options on how to share your support on social media or via email with friends/family/colleagues
4. You will get an email after your first purchase confirming your donation
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