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This VIN Foundation Apply Smarter Tool can help students who are applying to veterinary school consider potential options.

Your veterinary school costs can vary widely depending on where you live and the school you choose to attend. Apply Smarter helps you to identify those schools that may provide a discounted option compared to paying a non-resident or private rate for the duration of a veterinary school program.

As a reminder, in order to be eligible for the Veterinary Student Scholarship, your estimated total cost of tuition and fees for completing your veterinary degree must be estimated to not exceed $170,000 at the time of admission. Your total cost estimate for the scholarship application should only include tuition and fees, NOT living or travel or other incidental expenses you will incur during school. 

After selecting your state of residence, this VIN Foundation Apply Smarter Tool displays the veterinary schools in your state and which (U.S. based) schools might offer you a discounted seat. Note: not all discounted seats available to you will meet the scholarship rules criterion if your DVM tuition and fees do not exceed $170,000. You will need to visit the website for the veterinary school(s) you apply to in order to estimate your total tuition and fees for the duration of the program to see if it meets the $170,000 threshold for the scholarship.

VIN Foundation uses the most up to date veterinary school cost information available (last checked July 16, 2024). However, it is important for you to do your own research and confirm with your target veterinary schools what their 2024-2025 tuition, fees and cost of living will be. Not all schools have updated their cost information for the current academic year.The 2024-2025 cost of attendance information is used to determine the schools that will meet the $170,000 award threshold. If you believe there is a school that should meet the threshold that we are not showing as eligible in the Apply Smarter Tool, please submit your 4 year tuition and fees cost estimation to and we’ll take another look with you. The final determination of eligibility will be the data available on May 15, 2025.



The VIN Foundation is a team of humans here to help you on your path to veterinary school. VIN Foundation resources are available at no cost, and regularly updated.

Vet School Bound

Vet School Bound provides pre-veterinary students tips and tools to make the veterinary school application process easier.

Apply Smarter

Learn how applying only to veterinary schools where you can attend at the lowest cost possible can increase your chances of getting in, and save you hundreds of thousands of dollars repaying your student loans.


Have questions about applying to veterinary school, or about a certain school? This helpful forum is a helpful place to discuss applying to veterinary school with veterinarians, veterinary students, and fellow pre-veterinary students.

Cost of Education Toolkit

The VIN Foundation Cost of Education Toolkit is an interactive toolkit to help pre-veterinary students compare information on veterinary school costs, including the cost of attendance and living expenses.


VIN Foundation

The VIN Foundation webinars provide helpful information to veterinary colleagues, with topics ranging from mental health to student debt.


Veterinary Pulse

Join us as we talk with veterinary colleagues about critical topics and share stories. Stories that connect us… as humans, as animals, as a veterinary community.
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