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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Nonprofit free veterinary resources | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Dr. Bree Montana and Dr. Lance Roasa The Futures So Bright Ins and Outs of Selling a Veterinary practice

The Future’s so Bright Series: Dr. Bree Montana and Dr. Lance Roasa on the ins and outs of selling a veterinary practice

Listen in as VIN Foundation Executive Director Jordan benShea has a conversation with Dr. Bree Montana and Dr. Lance Roasa to kick off the new podcast series, The Future’s So Bright, the ins and outs of selling a veterinary practice. In this episode we discuss our goals for the series, topics we plan on covering, including – various financial aspects of selling a practice, different types of sale options, tips on how to figure out if an associate might be a good buyer, where real estate comes into play, and the impact of mental health. Those interested in this path also get a homework assignment to get started.

Most importantly, we want to hear from YOU our listeners, to know what topics YOU want to hear about from experts. Please email us to share your thoughts:


Dr. Bree Montana
Bree Montana, DVM, CCFP graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor of Science degree focused in the field of Biology followed by a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation from veterinary medical school, Dr. Montana worked exclusively in small animal outpatient and emergency hospitals while pursuing additional medical training in the latest technologies. Dr. Montana has advanced training in ultrasonography, echocardiography, chemotherapy, dentistry, emergency medicine and surgery, transfusion medicine, class IV laser therapy, pain management and rehabilitation. A past member of UC Davis’ College of Veterinary Medicine’s External Advisory and Admissions Boards, and a past Board member of the VIN Foundation, Dr. Montana is the Director of the VIN Foundation’s Vets4Vets® programs. When not practicing medicine, Dr. Montana will generally be found playing with her daughter Ember and their ponies, hiking with her huskies, and skiing or snowboarding with her husband.

Dr. Lance Roasa

Lance Roasa, DVM, MS, JD is a 2008 graduate of Texas A&M where he was the first student to undertake a 4th year business-track, spending the majority of his clinical training in veterinary business and industry. In 2016 He completed a law degree from the University of Nebraska and his training was centered on the law of small business, taxation and the law of veterinary medicine.


  1. VIN Foundation Vets4Vets:
  3. VBMA:
  4. EBITDA:

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