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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | prevet resources veterinary student resources veterinarian resources | Nonprofit free veterinary resources | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast Episode 154 | Dr. Lance Roasa on the ins and outs of contract negotiation

Dr. Lance Roasa on the ins and outs of contract negotiation

Dr. Lance Roasa shares best practices for contract negotiations based on his almost 10 years of experience helping veterinary colleagues. He covers everything from what to look for in a colleague’s first employment contract, to advice on how to renegotiate a current contract, and what colleagues need to know who are looking to get out of a contract. Learn what BATNA means, the important aspects of knowing how to quantify your value, a helpful resource available on negotiation, and his desire to shed more light on equal pay.



Dr. Lance Roasa

Lance Roasa, DVM, MS, JD is a 2008 graduate of Texas A&M where he was the first student to undertake a 4th year business-track, spending the majority of his clinical training in veterinary business and industry. In 2016 He completed a law degree from the University of Nebraska and his training was centered on the law of small business, taxation and the law of veterinary medicine.




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