In this webinar Dr. Matt Holland (IL 2017), 2016-7 SAVMA National President, VIN Foundation board member, former sportscaster, and VIN’s Student and New Grad Relationship Builder moderates a panel discussion with three student guests of the Veterinary Pulse podcast: Jonathan Dumas, Junior Saint Preux, and Justice Birdsong for a conversation about self-advocacy.
In collaboration with the Ross University SAVMA chapter, these young future leaders discuss the relationship between diversity, equity, & inclusion and mental health. They hope their shared passion for social & civic engagement will inspire colleagues – young and not so young — and empower them to advocate for change for and within the profession.
Have questions? Or want to continue the conversation? Share a comment below or send us an email.

VIN Foundation
The VIN Foundation was founded by members of the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) in 2005. VIN is an online community of veterinarians and veterinary students with over 100,000 members worldwide. The VIN Foundation’s charitable efforts are centered around the belief that a healthy veterinary profession is essential for healthy animal and human communities.
1 thought on “Self-Advocacy in Veterinary Medicine”
How do I get in contact with Jonathan Dumas, Junior Saint Preux, and Justice Birdsong? I am looking for any guidance, support, and resources on how to build an effective DEI program for a group of veterinary hospitals in the Bay Area. I would love the opportunity to connect with them and potentially have them speak to our teams about self-advocacy in veterinary medicine.