Developed to help pre-veterinary students make better informed decisions when applying to veterinary school, the updated Cost of Education Map collates in one place, in one tool, the information individual students would spend days compiling and analyzing.
Most pre-veterinary students apply to multiple schools. Costs vary widely between schools and within schools depending on whether the applicant qualifies for a discounted seat based on residency. The Foundation’s goal in generating this tool is to enable students to apply smarter, seeking the high quality education they desire at the most reasonable cost.
Veterinarians face one of the highest student debt to income ratios of any profession, making applying smarter more important than ever. This interactive map compiles published veterinary school costs based on a student’s state or country of residence.
New in this latest version of the Cost of Education Map:
- Information for United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand veterinary schools
- International residency options
- The ability to compare costs from any number of schools side-by-side
- Clear labeling of AVMA-accredited schools
- Improved layout with veterinary school costs summaries
- Updates to all school data
“It is our job to provide pre-veterinary students with the most reliable information available so they are able to make the most informed decision when choosing a veterinary school,” stated Richard Headley, VIN Foundation Board President. “The Cost of Education Map provides vital information critical in helping pre-vets determine the best veterinary school for their situation.”
Learn more about the Cost of Education Map in the Vet School Bound website or explore more VIN Foundation resources.

VIN Foundation
The VIN Foundation was founded by members of the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) in 2005. VIN is an online community of veterinarians and veterinary students with over 100,000 members worldwide. The VIN Foundation’s charitable efforts are centered around the belief that a healthy veterinary profession is essential for healthy animal and human communities.