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Student Loan
Borrow Better Challenge

The 2024 Borrow Better Challenge is now closed. Please learn more about the challenge below and explore the tools from this year’s challenge. If you would like to be kept informed when the challenge launches next year, you may sign up to Get Updates.

Share your student loan experience, for a chance to win prizes

Share your student loan borrowing experience, strategy, and thought process (anonymously if preferred) so we can learn from each other, and be entered to win awesome prizes. 


Open to all veterinary school students with U.S. student loans


Student Loan Borrow Better Challenge


VIN and VIN Foundation message boards


September 11, 2024 – October 12, 2024


By sharing our stories we can learn from each other and we can build more helpful resources to help you. 


When you complete the challenge you will be entered to win a VIN Foundation Yeti mug, Rumpl blanket, or a DoorDash gift card.

Borrow Better Challenge Tools

  1. Student Loan Borrow Better Challenge Webinar Recording
    Miss the live session? Want to review a couple of topics again? Watch the full recording of the session is below.

  2. Student Loan Borrow Better Challenge Prezi
    Think of this as the “slide deck” you can scroll through with clickable links to the resources referenced in the presentation.

  3. Student Loan Borrow Better Challenge Message Board
    Review your classmates’ entries to learn how other students are borrowing and trying to reduce their student loans.

  4. A Borrow Better Case Study Using the In-School Loan Estimator
    A VIN Foundation Blog post describing a student loan borrowing case study for a Colorado resident starting at CSU’s veterinary school in Fall 2024 using the In-School Loan Estimator.

How to enter the VIN Foundation 2024 Student Loan

Borrow Better Challenge:

Check your current student loan balance
Run an In-School Loan Estimation
Post your results to the Message Board
*Participants who completed steps 1-3 in this challenge by 11:59 PM ET on Saturday, October 12, 2024, were entered into a drawing to win a VIN Foundation Yeti mug, Rumpl blanket, or DoorDash gift card if they post their case.

Student debt sucks. But for more than 80% of eligible U.S. students attending AVMA COE-accredited colleges of veterinary medicine, it is a necessary tool to achieve the dream of becoming a veterinarian.

This year, carefully considering how much to borrow is more important than ever. Why? Federal student loan interest rates for graduate/veterinary school are the highest they have been in more than 20 years. 

Why does that matter? Because, unlike many loans for undergraduate students, nearly ALL of the loans you take for veterinary school start to accrue interest the moment you receive the loans.

Share your student loan borrowing experience, strategy, and thought process on the Student Debt Message Board (anonymously if you prefer) and you will be entered to win a VIN Foundation Yeti mug, Rumpl blanket, or a DoorDash gift card. 

We created this challenge to learn from each other, and the best way to do this is to share experiences and ask questions!

1st years:

The loans you take this year will be your most expensive loans because they have the most time to accrue interest before you graduate and enter repayment. Anything you can do to reduce the amounts you borrow will help you with repayment later.

2nd years:

You now have a better idea of how much money you need to get through each semester. Can you use that experience to borrow less for this year?

3rd & 4th years:

Borrowing gets a bit more complicated with clinics. Your tuition could be higher, your living expenses estimates are higher, and you may have interviews or internship visits planned. Build a plan (dare we say, “budget”) to know exactly how much you need to cover your expenses. 

Did you know?

All students who use federal student loans have 120 days to return loan amounts. Doing so will also return the interest and fees associated with the amount you return. So even if you took everything not knowing exactly how much you need, you have time to figure that out. Build your budget and reassess monthly. When you get about 90 days into your semester, see if you have amounts you can return before you reach the 120-day deadline.  

You’ll put a bigger dent in your student loan balance by reducing the amount you borrow or returning excess funds within the 120-day window vs. making interest payments during school. 

Borrow Better during school and you’ll have less to manage after school. Your future self will thank you!



The VIN Foundation Student Debt Center is a comprehensive resource helping veterinary students, veterinarians, and those who support them manage student debt through school and beyond.


Student Debt News

The student debt posts on the VIN Foundation blog features recent student loan news and helpful information. 


Student Debt Series

The Veterinary Pulse podcast Student Debt Series discusses all the latest information and changes, and what borrowers need to know now.


Student Debt News

The student debt posts on the VIN Foundation blog features recent student loan news and helpful information. 


Student Debt Series

The Veterinary Pulse podcast Student Debt Series discusses all the latest information and changes, and what borrowers need to know now.


VIN Foundation

The VIN Foundation webinars provide helpful information to veterinary colleagues, with topics ranging from mental health to student debt.


Veterinary Pulse

Join us as we talk with veterinary colleagues about critical topics and share stories. Stories that connect us… as humans, as animals, as a veterinary community.