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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Blog | Veterinary School Panel Interview Tips

Veterinary School Panel Interview Tips

Amber McElhinney is a 2nd-year veterinary student at UC Davis. In an effort to help pre-veterinary students as they prep for applying to veterinary school we thought Amber’s insight into her personal pre-veterinary journey can help others. We hope you enjoy! As always, please reach out with any questions or feedback, or leave a comment […]

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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | COVID Repayment Restart | Veterinary Student Debt Help

COVID-19 Student Loan Repayment Restart

COVID-19 Student Loan Repayment Relief Ending: Strategies for Re-entering Repayment Since March 13, 2020, borrowers with federally held student loans have received student loan repayment relief. Interest rates have been set to zero percent, payments have been suspended, and for those using income-driven repayment or working towards Public Service Loan Forgiveness, the suspension time has

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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Webinar | Repay Wiser: choose the right student loan repayment strategy for your situation to save time and money

The First Two Years of Student Loan Repayment for Veterinarians

Graduating Veterinary Students: Here’s what the first two years of student loan repayment can look like using an Income-Driven Repayment strategy Student loan repayment is financially and emotionally stressful. The earlier you have a student loan repayment strategy, the more time, money, and stress you can save yourself throughout repayment. As a veterinary student and

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New Grad Student Loan Questions and Answers: Consolidation

Updated for 2023 graduating veterinarians:There are some new changes and proposals to be aware of as you enter loan repayment. Here are some common questions about using a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan that we tackled live during the most recent New Veterinary Graduate Student Loan Playbook Webinar. To consolidate vs not consolidate? Absolutely start a

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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Blog | COVID-19 impact to your student loans

COVID-19 Impact to Your Student Loans

CARES Act federal student loan relief explained! — UPDATE, April 30, 2020 — Since VIN and VIN Foundation held a free webinar to explain how the recent CARES Act and the Department of Education guidance on student loan relief for federal student loan borrowers impacts veterinary student loan borrowers, we have had several questions come in.  The most common

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A Borrow Better Case Study Using the In-School Loan Estimator

Veterinary Students: Borrow Better A Case Study Using the VIN Foundation In-School Loan Estimator Student debt sucks. But for more than 80% of eligible U.S. students attending AVMA COE-accredited colleges of veterinary medicine, student loans are a necessary tool to achieve the dream of becoming a veterinarian. For the 2024-2025 academic year, analyzing your borrowing

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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Nonprofit free veterinary resources | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Dr. Jennifer Woolf veterinary forensics

Dr. Jennifer Woolf on raising awareness about veterinary forensics and the importance of asking the right questions

*TRIGGER WARNING* Some of the content in this episode may include triggers for topics including animal abuse and interpersonal violence. As a reminder, if you are a veterinary student or veterinarian, the VIN Foundation’s confidential peer-to-peer support group vets4vets® is here for you, at no cost, please know, you are not alone. Call (530) 794-8094 or visit the website to schedule a confidential Vets4Vets® session
Listen in as VIN Foundation Executive Director Jordan benShea has a conversation with Dr. Jennifer Woolf about the current veterinary forensics landscape. Do you know your state’s animal abuse reporting laws? Does the story fit the clinical signs? Do veterinarians need to have experience in veterinary forensics to report animal abuse? In this episode Jennifer covers how animal abuse is currently handled in the veterinary profession, where she sees areas for improvement and the link between animal abuse and interpersonal abuse. 

Dr. Jennifer WoolfDr. Woolf received her D.V.M. and M.S. (concentration: Veterinary Forensic Sciences) from the University of Florida (UF). Over the years, she has worked in private practices and animal welfare organizations, including relief work at over 50 locations in the Boston, MA and San Francisco, CA areas. In 2014 she founded Woolf Veterinary Forensics Consulting where she lectures internationally on animal abuse, the Link, and veterinary forensics, as well as investigating and consulting on individual cases. She also works for Veterinary Information Network (VIN), behind the scenes and upfront writing articles and developing materials on animal abuse and veterinary forensics for VIN members and the general public. Additionally, Dr. Woolf is an instructor in the UF Veterinary Forensic Sciences Online Graduate Programs, has published numerous articles and a book chapter on animal cruelty topics, and was a 2018-2019 Don Low-CVMA Practitioner Fellow at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine in the Anatomic Pathology Department. Dr. Woolf is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the International Veterinary Forensic Sciences Association (IVFSA), and a founding member of the Alameda County Animal Cruelty Task Force. Previously she has served on the boards of the IVFSA and the Contra Costa County Veterinary Medical Association.


You may learn more about the VIN Foundation, on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter

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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Blog | The Financials of Applying to Veterinary School – What I Wish I Had Known Amber McElhinney

The Financials of Applying to Veterinary School – What I Wish I Had Known

Amber McElhinney is a 2nd year veterinary student at UC Davis. Due to COVID many veterinary student summer plans were changed and Amber is one of many who has been helping out the VIN Foundation student debt efforts this summer. In an effort to help pre-veterinary students as they prep for applying to veterinary school

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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Blog | Apply Smarter Q&A: Veterinary School Veterinary Income

Apply Smarter Q&A: Veterinary Income

Here are some questions and detailed answers about Veterinary Income asked during the Apply Smarter webinars. We also covered questions and answers about veterinary school application and veterinary student loans. “I’ve heard that it is very tough to have a job while attending vet school? Is it because the program is intense?” Yes, the curriculum

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