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VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | Nonprofit free veterinary resources | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Dr. Jennifer Woolf veterinary forensics

Dr. Jennifer Woolf on raising awareness about veterinary forensics and the importance of asking the right questions

*TRIGGER WARNING* Some of the content in this episode may include triggers for topics including animal abuse and interpersonal violence. As a reminder, if you are a veterinary student or veterinarian, the VIN Foundation’s confidential peer-to-peer support group vets4vets® is here for you, at no cost, please know, you are not alone. Call (530) 794-8094 or visit the website to schedule a confidential Vets4Vets® session
Listen in as VIN Foundation Executive Director Jordan benShea has a conversation with Dr. Jennifer Woolf about the current veterinary forensics landscape. Do you know your state’s animal abuse reporting laws? Does the story fit the clinical signs? Do veterinarians need to have experience in veterinary forensics to report animal abuse? In this episode Jennifer covers how animal abuse is currently handled in the veterinary profession, where she sees areas for improvement and the link between animal abuse and interpersonal abuse. 

Dr. Jennifer WoolfDr. Woolf received her D.V.M. and M.S. (concentration: Veterinary Forensic Sciences) from the University of Florida (UF). Over the years, she has worked in private practices and animal welfare organizations, including relief work at over 50 locations in the Boston, MA and San Francisco, CA areas. In 2014 she founded Woolf Veterinary Forensics Consulting where she lectures internationally on animal abuse, the Link, and veterinary forensics, as well as investigating and consulting on individual cases. She also works for Veterinary Information Network (VIN), behind the scenes and upfront writing articles and developing materials on animal abuse and veterinary forensics for VIN members and the general public. Additionally, Dr. Woolf is an instructor in the UF Veterinary Forensic Sciences Online Graduate Programs, has published numerous articles and a book chapter on animal cruelty topics, and was a 2018-2019 Don Low-CVMA Practitioner Fellow at the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine in the Anatomic Pathology Department. Dr. Woolf is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the International Veterinary Forensic Sciences Association (IVFSA), and a founding member of the Alameda County Animal Cruelty Task Force. Previously she has served on the boards of the IVFSA and the Contra Costa County Veterinary Medical Association.


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Dr. Jennifer Woolf on raising awareness about veterinary forensics and the importance of asking the right questions Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Justice Birdsong

Justice Birdsong on her definition of diversity in the veterinary profession, and the importance of empathy toward others

Join VIN Foundation Board Member Dr. Matt Holland as he talks with Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) student Justice Birdsong. She shares her advice for creating a network in the profession, how she encourages empathy among colleagues, and her personal journey to veterinary medicine. As a Co-Founder of the RUSVM National Association of Black Veterinarians chapter, and her role as Secretary for RUSVM SAVMA, she shares her dedication to making the profession a better place for underrepresented veterinary students. 
Justice Birdsong
Justice Birdsong is from Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated from the University of Missouri (MIZZOU) where she earned her B.S. in Biological Sciences and became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. During her undergraduate studies she worked as an assistant and manager with the Small Animal Critical Care Assistants (SACCA) in the ICU of the University of Missouri Veterinary Health Center. She is currently a DVM 2023 candidate attending Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) with hopes of becoming an ER and Critical Care Veterinarian. She is currently the 2020-2021 RUSVM SAVMA Secretary, a member of the RUSVM Diversity Task Force, and is a charter member and the Vice President of the RUSVM Student Chapter of the National Association for Black Veterinarians (SNABV).


You may learn more about the VIN Foundation, on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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Justice Birdsong on her definition of diversity in the veterinary profession, and the importance of empathy toward others Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | prevet resources veterinary student resources veterinarian resources | Nonprofit free veterinary resources | Blog | What do the recent court rulings on SAVE mean for you?

What do the recent court rulings on SAVE mean for you?

July 26th Update A federal appellate court blocked the Department of Education (ED) from administering the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) income-driven repayment plan. Borrowers using SAVE will be placed in an interest-free forbearance. ED recently posted guidance ( on how the ruling impacts borrowers in the short-term, pending continued litigation. Keep checking

What do the recent court rulings on SAVE mean for you? Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | SAVMA Chapter President Jonathan Dumas discusses the diversity, equity, and inclusion reality as a veterinary student

SAVMA Chapter President Jonathan Dumas discusses the diversity, equity, and inclusion reality as a veterinary student

This episode VIN Foundation Board Member Dr. Matt Holland is having a conversation with Ross Veterinary School SAVMA Chapter President and SAVMA Chapter President Representative-elect Jonathan Dumas.
Jonathan is candid and transparent about his unique path to veterinary school and shares a realistic view on how the veterinary profession is dealing with diversity, equality, and inclusion. Facing his steepest challenge yet, Jonathan admits that veterinary school is difficult, and this raw conversation provides insight into his touching story of perseverance and dedication. As Jonathan says, faith without work is dead.

Matt Holland, DVM
Matt Holland graduated from the University of Illinois CVM class of 2017. He is a Veterinary & Pre-Vet Student Advocate for the VIN Student Team and his interests are Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, mental wellness, environmental health, student debt, & policy. His interest in policy led him to Washington, D.C. after graduating, where he completed the AVMA/AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Congressional Fellowship in the office of Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship at the USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture. Originally from a suburb of Chicago, IL, he came to veterinary medicine as a second career. After graduating in 2007 from Drake University with a B.A. in radio and television journalism, he worked as a freelance television producer for various media outlets in Chicago and New York City including Big Ten Network, Major League Baseball Network, and the Chicago Bears. During veterinary school, he found a love for giving back to the profession, and one of his proudest achievements is serving as SAVMA President. He is thankful for the opportunity to keep giving back as a VIN Foundation board member and excited for the future of the VIN Foundation.

Jonathan Dumas
Jonathan is from Miami, Florida, and attended the University of Florida where he received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. He then went on to receive a dual master’s in Agricultural and Extension Education and International Agriculture and Development from Pennsylvania State University. Jonathan spent five years working in Washington, D.C. as a Program and Policy Analyst for both USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services, and USDA, Departmental Management, Office of Human Resources Management respectively. It has been Jonathan’s lifelong dream to become a Veterinarian, and since starting Veterinary School he has developed interests in mixed animal medicine, animal nutrition, and public policy. Jonathan currently serves as the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine SAVMA President and is the National SAVMA Chapter Presidents Representative-Elect.


You may learn more about the VIN Foundation on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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SAVMA Chapter President Jonathan Dumas discusses the diversity, equity, and inclusion reality as a veterinary student Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Amber McElhinney

The Financials of Applying to Veterinary School with Amber McElhinney

Tune in as veterinary student Amber McElhinney reads her “Veterinary School Financials – What I Wish I Had Known” blog post.  
Helpful for all pre-veterinary students, Amber takes you step-by-step through her financial expenses while applying to veterinary school. From application fees to moving costs, this podcast episode provides tangible information to help with the pre-veterinary school process. 

In this episode we mention the following links and information:

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The Financials of Applying to Veterinary School with Amber McElhinney Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | prevet resources veterinary student resources veterinarian resources | Nonprofit free veterinary resources | Blog | Student Debt Questions & Answers - from 3rd year veterinary students

Student Debt Questions & Answers – from 3rd year veterinary students

Student Debt Q&A from students The following are questions asked during recent Climbing Mt. Debt sessions with 3rd year veterinary students at U.S. colleges of veterinary medicine. They will be graduating in 2024, likely facing an updated student loan repayment framework and transitionary deadlines.  With all of the recent changes to federal student loans (current

Student Debt Questions & Answers – from 3rd year veterinary students Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Dr. Serena Nayee

Dr. Serena Nayee on the cultural difference between animal and human medicine, and her quest to improve inclusive advocacy

Join VIN Foundation Board Member, Dr. Matt Holland, in his conversation with Dr. Serena Nayee as they discuss how the cultural difference between animal and human medicine lead her to veterinary medicine. She shines a light on the important difference between a curated reality, and the everyday work it takes to pay attention to mental health. With a thoughtful vulnerability, Serena shares her mission to help colleagues feel comfortable in their own skin while fighting to diversify the veterinary experience. 
Serena Nayee, DVM
Dr. Serena Nayee is a 2020 graduate of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Serena and her siblings were raised with a multicultural background, rooting from strong Gujarati and American values. After graduating high school in Fishers, Indiana, she completed her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology at Ohio State University, before heading to veterinary school. Serena’s interests in the veterinary profession are focused on emergency medicine and development of affordable and accessible urgent/preventative healthcare (clinical and policy) to diversify the veterinary field, with a commitment to the value of One Health. In 2020 she founded Chapter VIII: Veterinary Inclusion and Intersectionality Initiative, to promote inclusive advocacy and education, intersectional art and story-sharing, communication workshops, community mentorship, and diversifying professional experience. Outside of veterinary medicine, Serena enjoys writing poetry and short literary fiction, singing, reading, and filming/editing videos.


Learn more about the Veterinary Pulse podcast and the hosts on the VIN Foundation website:

You may learn more about the VIN Foundation, on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

If you like this podcast, we would appreciate it if you follow and share. As always, we welcome feedback. If you have an idea for a podcast episode, we’d love to hear it!

Dr. Serena Nayee on the cultural difference between animal and human medicine, and her quest to improve inclusive advocacy Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Veterinary Pulse Podcast with Dr. Bronwyn Fullagar

Dr. Bronwyn Fullagar on practicing veterinary medicine around the world and the importance of humor

Listen in as VIN Foundation Board Member Matt Holland chats with Dr. Bronwyn Fullagar about her dedication to self-care, how humor plays a vital role, and what it’s like performing veterinary surgery around the world.

Dr. Matt Holland
Matt Holland, DVM graduated from the University of Illinois CVM class of 2017. He is a Veterinary & Pre-Vet Student Advocate for the VIN Student Team and his interests are Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, mental wellness, environmental health, student debt, & policy. His interest in policy led him to Washington, D.C. after graduating, where he completed the AVMA/AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Congressional Fellowship in the office of Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship at the USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture. Originally from a suburb of Chicago, IL, he came to veterinary medicine as a second career. After graduating in 2007 from Drake University with a B.A. in radio and television journalism, he worked as a freelance television producer for various media outlets in Chicago and New York City including Big Ten Network, Major League Baseball Network, and the Chicago Bears. During veterinary school, he found a love for giving back to the profession, and one of his proudest achievements is serving as SAVMA President. He is thankful for the opportunity to keep giving back as a VIN Foundation board member and excited for the future of the VIN Foundation.

Bronwyn Fullagar, BVSc, MS, DACVS-SA
Dr. Bronwyn Fullagar is a specialist small animal surgeon based in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Bronwyn grew up in Brisbane, Australia and earned her veterinary degree from the University of Queensland in 2007. After a few years in mixed and small animal practice, she moved to Calgary for a rotating internship, then to the Ohio State University to complete a residency in small animal surgery. She returned to Canada and was awarded Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2016. Since then, Bronwyn has worked as a specialist small animal surgeon in Canada, Australia and the United States, and has volunteered as a surgical instructor for World Vets and the Worldwide Veterinary Service. At work, she enjoys challenging soft tissue surgery cases and she loves to share her enthusiasm for surgery, helping veterinary students and practicing vets to boost their expertise and confidence. When she’s not in the clinic, you can find her in the mountains, trail running with her dog, mountain biking or backcountry skiing. 


You may learn more about the VIN Foundation, on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

If you like this podcast, we would appreciate it if you follow and share. As always, we welcome feedback. If you have an idea for a podcast episode, we’d love to hear it!

Dr. Bronwyn Fullagar on practicing veterinary medicine around the world and the importance of humor Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Junior Saint Preux on believing in yourself, and diversity, equity, and inclusion

Junior Saint Preux shares the importance of believing in yourself, and how diversity, equity, & inclusion play a role

Listen in as Junior Saint Preux, past SAVMA Chapter President, and Ross veterinary student chats with Dr. Matt Holland about his journey of perseverance. They discuss everything from diversity, equity, and inclusivity efforts on the Ross Veterinary School campus, to the importance of role models, and knowing when to make your move in life is vital for success. 
Dr. Matt Holland
Matt Holland, DVM graduated from the University of Illinois CVM class of 2017. He is a Veterinary & Pre-Vet Student Advocate for the VIN Student Team and his interests are Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, mental wellness, environmental health, student debt, & policy. His interest in policy led him to Washington, D.C. after graduating, where he completed the AVMA/AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Congressional Fellowship in the office of Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship at the USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture. Originally from a suburb of Chicago, IL, he came to veterinary medicine as a second career. After graduating in 2007 from Drake University with a B.A. in radio and television journalism, he worked as a freelance television producer for various media outlets in Chicago and New York City including Big Ten Network, Major League Baseball Network, and the Chicago Bears. During veterinary school, he found a love for giving back to the profession, and one of his proudest achievements is serving as SAVMA President. He is thankful for the opportunity to keep giving back as a VIN Foundation board member and excited for the future of the VIN Foundation.

Junior Saint Preux 
Junior Saint Preux is a 4th-year student at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from Orlando, FL he received his Bachelor’s of Biological Sciences from Bethune-Cookman University. After several twists and turns, Junior had to decide between his athletic career in track and field or continuing his education. Through the support of his fraternity brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., he made his way to Florida A&M University Pharmacy School for one semester before ultimately realizing the importance of being passionate about a direction. Junior knew a career in veterinary medicine was his calling with a desire to help both people and animals. Upon starting at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine he recognized an opportunity to improve the veterinary school experience for himself and his classmates. He began to dedicate his time to SAVMA and was elected Chapter President, where he focused his efforts on addressing the importance of diversity and inclusion and making Ross a safer and more welcoming campus for minorities and underrepresented students. Junior also collaborated with classmates to start the first student chapter of the National Association for Black Veterinarians, creating a safe space for African Americans and allies at Ross. Through this effort, they have also been able to mentor undergraduate students, create their own mentoring program to connect with alumni for guidance and collaborate with the school counselors to address issues regarding the mental health of the minority students. Junior believes in the motto “lifting as we climb,” and continues to focus his efforts in the veterinary profession with this mission. 


You may learn more about the VIN Foundation, on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
If you like this podcast, we would appreciate it if you follow and share. As always, we welcome feedback. If you have an idea for a podcast episode, we’d love to hear it!

Junior Saint Preux shares the importance of believing in yourself, and how diversity, equity, & inclusion play a role Read More »

VIN Foundation | Supporting veterinarians to cultivate a healthy animal community | free resources veterinary students veterinarians | Blog | Veterinary Pulse Podcast | Dr. Quincy Hawley & Renee Machel on the intersection of self-improvement & mental health | veterinary podcast | veterinarian podcast | veterinary student

Dr. Quincy Hawley and Renee Machel discuss the intersection of self-improvement and mental health

This episode VIN Foundation Board Member Dr. Matt Holland is having a conversation with Get MotiVETed Co-Founders Dr. Quincy Hawley and Renee Machel. Listen in as they discuss self-improvement, diversity, equity, & inclusion, and mental health.

Dr. Matt Holland
Matt Holland, DVM graduated from the University of Illinois CVM class of 2017. He is a Veterinary & Pre-Vet Student Advocate for the VIN Student Team and his interests are Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, mental wellness, environmental health, student debt, & policy. His interest in policy led him to Washington, D.C. after graduating, where he completed the AVMA/AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Congressional Fellowship in the office of Illinois Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship at the USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture. Originally from a suburb of Chicago, IL, he came to veterinary medicine as a second career. After graduating in 2007 from Drake University with a B.A. in radio and television journalism, he worked as a freelance television producer for various media outlets in Chicago and New York City including Big Ten Network, Major League Baseball Network, and the Chicago Bears. During veterinary school, he found a love for giving back to the profession, and one of his proudest achievements is serving as SAVMA President. He is thankful for the opportunity to keep giving back as a VIN Foundation board member and excited for the future of the VIN Foundation.

Dr. Quincy Hawley
Quincy Hawley, DVM is a 2013 graduate of NC State’s CVM. Dr. Hawley has 6 years of working in small animal general practice. He is the co-founder of Get MotiVETed LLC, a company that provides wellbeing solutions for veterinary professionals and organizations. He is a Certified Professional Coach, self-published self-help and fitness author. Dr. Hawley has experience coaching a variety of veterinary professionals including but not limited to veterinarians, practice managers, and various veterinary hospital support staff. Dr. Hawley is also the president of the NC Association of Minority Veterinarians, a 501-3c non-profit organization with a purpose of improving diversity, inclusion, and cultural competency for the profession. Dr. Hawley volunteers his time as a member of NC State’s CVM admissions committee, and is currently serving his 3rd term doing so. He lives in NC with his wife, 2 daughters, along with their 8 dogs, 1 calico cat and a handful of chickens!

Renee Machel
Renee Machel is a nationally recognized wellbeing speaker, certified life coach, CYT 200 yoga instructor, mindfulness, and meditation guide. As the co-founder of Get MotiVETed she aims to provide a positive impact on people’s wellbeing and enhance the culture within organizations. She has spent nearly 20 years in the veterinary industry as a hospital leader and technician. She now shares her personal story of overcoming wellbeing struggles and key teachings in managing personal and professional wellbeing and development. Additionally, she lives in NC with her blended family, welcoming their newest addition into the world this spring, and of course, her fur-kids Eli & Penelope. As a family, they spend much of their time racing motocross when she and her fiance are not wearing their ‘entrepreneur hats’.


You may learn more about the VIN Foundation, on the website, or join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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